Friday, September 30, 2011

4/5s Work on Locker Names

Wiping some of the ink off

Adding some color

A finished work of art!

Creating tiny designs

Getting the name to be the focus

The 4/5 students begin each year working on artwork that will serve to identify their locker and add interest to the halls. This year they are making embossed aluminum foil disks full of tiny patterns and accents of color.

2/3s Paint Birch Trees

The finished work

Painting the birch markings

Peeling off the tape

More tape peeling

After looking at the beautiful birch trees painted on the walls of one of the school offices, the 2/3s tried their hand at painting birches. They began masking the tree areas with tape and then painted landscape backgrounds. The tape was peeled off and the characteristic birch markings were painted over the revealed white vertical lines.

K/1s Draw Their Houses

Capturing the brick facade

Painting the sky

After looking at Whoever You Are by Mem Fox, the K/1s tried their hand at remembering the colors and shapes of their houses. They drew their house with whatever details they chose to emphasize, and then painted the background.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Middle School Locker Names

Concentrating on the details

Painting a background paper

Working on the background paper

Inscribing details

Concentrating on popping out the glue lines

Adding ink to the finished designs

Adding dimension with Elmer's glue

More glue lines

The middle school students begin each year working on artwork that will serve to identify their locker and add interest to the halls. This year they are making embossed aluminum foil disks full of tiny patterns and accents of color.

2/3s Explore Positive and Negative Space

One finished work

Another showing color changes

Figuring out the colors

Carefully painting in the background

The 2/3s cut stencil shapes and rubbed them with crayon under white paper divided into six sections. They painted over the shapes with water color, changing colors each time their shape crossed another image or a new area.

Friday, September 16, 2011

K/1s Mix Water Colors

Experimenting with color mixing

Dots beginning to grow

The K/1s began the year in art class listening to the book The Dot, by Peter Reynolds. They talked about how different colors mix together to make new ones. They then tried their hand at water colors, blending colors together to discover what new ones they could create.