Saturday, December 6, 2008

Grandfriends Day in the Art Room

Rafi and Pablo glazing  

Grandfriends admiring and helping out

Fourth and Fifth Grade students brought their Grandfriends with them to art class and demonstrated how they glazed their bowls for the upcoming Empty Bowls dinner. Those who finished their bowl went on to work on paintings.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Empty Bowls at Parker

Gabrielle glazing her bowl
Jamie at work
Middle school students building bowls
Maurice working on his bowl

To raise awareness of world hunger issues,  Parker eighth grade students will host an Empty Bowls Dinner in December. All kindergarten through eighth grade students have made bowls in art class. The eighth grade went to glean vegetables from The Alleged Farm, in Washington County. From the vegetables they dug they will make soup to be served in the bowls. Families will come to purchase the bowl and eat the soup. The money they raise will be donated to Joseph's House, a shelter and community resource in Troy. 

Thursday, August 14, 2008

K/1 student painting with primary colors

K/1 students become engrossed in mixing colors. Beginning with the primary colors they discover how to mix secondaries and tertiaries creating exciting new hues.  Students find the sensation of mixing and spreading the thick tempera paint absorbing and satisfying. As they first explore, the act of applying the paint may be more important than the finished work. 

Monday, March 31, 2008

Middle School Students Work on Architecture Project

An 8th grade student brought in  a balsa wood model house that he had created and his classmates expressed an interest in a similar project. In response to this they were asked to design some kind of structure that would be constructed from foamcore board. We invited a local architect to come in and share his craft with the students. The students then drew elevations and floorplans, laid the floorplans out on the foamcore and carefully cut out sections using exacto knives. Using glue and straight pins the structures began to take form. All manner of buildings were conceived and built, from a ranch style house to a two story round house, to a stable a ball park and a restaurant. Then the buildings were fitted with furniture and painted. I am posting pictures of the students listening to Evan Stoller, archtect, and beginning their construction.