Wednesday, April 28, 2010

2/3 Painting Wood Sculptures

Painting sculptures

Working together

Concentrating on the details

After completing construction of their wood sculptures, the 2/3s looked at pictures of Mexican Oaxacan carved animals and began painting their work using bright colors and lots of beautiful lines, dots and swirls.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

2/3s Making Wood Sculptures

Gluing pieces together

Assembling the sculpture

The 2/3s built wood sculptures that turned into creatures or creations. Students glued together scraps of wood and then painted them to make sculptures that looked interesting (or fierce, or friendly) from all angles.

K/1s Making Birds Native to the Northeast

Piecing the blue bird together

Cutting out the song sparrow

In conjunction with the classroom study of native birds the K/1s each worked on making the bird they studied. After accurately painting their bird's nest with eggs, a class pop-up bird book was crafted with the birds flying out of their nests. Each student made an additional bird so that they’d have one that they could take home.