Saturday, March 19, 2011

4/5s Draw Self-Portraits

Getting the initial shapes

The hat is definitely essential!

After focusing on their past and present self-portraits, the 4/5s worked from mirrors to capture their current appearance in colored pencil.

2/3s Paint Self-Portraits

Finishing touches

Precision in the accessories

Checking the overall look

After completing their past and future portraits, the 2/3s got to work looking in the mirror to observe their current appearance and put it on paper using tempera paint.

2/3s and 4/5s Create Past and Future Self-Portraits

2/3 Portrait

4/5 Portrait of the past

In connection with a poetry unit that the 2/3s and 4/5s worked on together in their classes they created images of what they used to look like at approximately four years old and their projections of what they may look like twenty years from now.

K/1s Paint Self-Portraits

Adding paint to the work

Beginning with a pencil drawing

The annual Parker self-portrait project is underway in several classes. The K/1s observe themselves in a mirror, then draw and add paint to their images.

Middle School Students Work on Wire Sculptures

Shooting the destruction of the forest scene

Setting up the street performers for recording

Working on an alligator for the jungle

A figure taking shape

Clothes being sewn on the farmer

Two wire figures

After looking to Alexander Calder and his wire circus for inspiration, the middle school classes developed ideas for scenes to make out of wire, beads, corks, and such. Production of street performers, a farm, and a jungle are underway. When the scenes are completed, they will be photographed with incremental movements and then imported into a program to create a stop action animation.

Middle School Students Receive Tee Shirts from Africa

Students wearing their tee shirt from Kenya and holding photos of the Kenyan artist

Kenyan tee shirt and photos of the kids who received shirts from this artist

Keela showing a photo to Parker students

Keela Dates, Reason2Smile founder, returned from Kenya with tee shirts for Parker students designed by the students at the Jambo Jipya School. Parker kids received a photo of the Kenyan student with the shirt they received and a shirt designed for them. One student said, "this is my favorite day of the whole year!"