Sunday, November 3, 2013

4/5s Work on Paper Mache Puppets

In order to ease into the potential awkwardness of actually speaking a foreign language, the 4/5s are each creating a character puppet that they'll use to speak through in Spanish class. Each student sketched out one or two ideas for their creature. Beginning with a newspaper base, they added strips of paper mache to sculpt the base into the form they have envisioned. Once they capture the form, they'll add features, paint it and add a felt body. Then off to Spanish class where the puppets can help facilitate language acquisition.

Watch the 4/5s introduce their puppets in Spanish!

First layer of paper mache is applied

Forming a snake's head

A hawk is getting a beak

A snake gets a tongue

Starting to paint

Adding color to the neck

Painting small details

Ready for the body

Sewing a panda's stomach

A purple hippo!

The completed panda

The chihuahua

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