Friday, December 5, 2014

2/3s Design Clothes Typical of Early Settlement Days

As the 2/3s learn about how our land has changed over time, they are looking at the life styles and clothing of Native Americans and early settlers in Colonial times. Each student is designing clothes that they might have worn at the particular time they are focusing on. The clothing is drawn on paper, transferred to a transparency, and projected onto a life-size paper with a hole cut for the head. Once their clothing is redrawn and painted, the paper will hang where the student can stand behind it and look like they are actually dressed in their time period. This is a multi-stepped project that requires listening, and decision making, as well as drawing and painting skills.

Enlarging a colonial period outfit from a projected image

A native American costume to fit the artist

A Native American figure being painted with attention to realistic colors and textures

Thoughtful paint application. Notice the choice of brushes for different areas.

Painting the bow on a Native American

Sharpening up the outline

A dress from the Colonial period

A boy's outfit from Colonial times

A kneeling Native American

A standing figure with bow and arrows

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